No matter where you go, you come back.

On December 31st, we all say it… “January 1st, it starts”. This year, lets make it January 2nd. And lets make it The Comeback Season.

As part of Comeback Season we have teamed up with G&M coaching to give you the perfect 28 day challenge to get you on the road to the perfect comeback for 2023.

The Comeback Challenge is 28 days of 5 achievable goals & targets for you to hit daily. The aim is to give you ownership & control over your own progress giving anyone from a beginner to an expert access to a challenge they can make their own.

Who cares if it’s been a year? Who cares if it’s been 2? The only thing that matters is that you’re ready to #BeBetter now. Be Better in which ever way Be Better means to you.What better way to set yourself up for the year to come than with the Comeback Season challenge?

What do I need?

  • Just yourself,
  • THIS program (click here), to keep track of your progress.
  • Sign up for updates, tips & more info to take your challenge to the next level.
  • Also! If you check in and post on your stories & tag @Freetrain @gandmcoaching & #comebackszn you’re giving yourself the chance to win a £200 Freetrain Gift Card and a free 12 week challenge with George & Meg of G&M Coaching!
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