International Women's Day - Their voice

International Women's Day - Their voice

For International Women's Day, we wanted to create an experience that would not only be fun, but also a place where women could come together and talk about topics important to them. Here are some of our favourite quotes from the day.

What does international women’s day mean to you?

“Taking a moment to celebrate women coming together, taking more to help break down those insecurities some women may have.”

“Being a woman in the fitness industry can be difficult, but it’s important to recognise how hard we work. We often don’t get enough credit.”

"It shows women are strong and powerful. I think some women can feel lost or don’t have a voice, but it’s great to celebrate women in general, as women are great.”

What advice would you give to women with low confidence?

“Try not to compare. Just focus on yourself. It’s all progress, it’s a journey, it takes time”

“If you’re starting in the gym and you’re nervous, reach out to someone like a member of staff or a personal trainer. They are always happy to help and guide to in whatever you need.”

What advice would you give to your 16 year old self?

“Keep going and work hard. Make yourself proud every single every single day.”

“Don’t listen to negative people, stick to your own guns and believe in yourself.”

“Go out there and be confident. Be comfortable in who you are. Everyone is a human being just like you.”

What advice would you give to someone going through a tough time?

“Asking for help or talking to people doesn’t make you weak. Talking through it can really help, whether it’s to friends, family or even a help line.

“Sometimes people think you have to be so strong and stand strong, but it’s okay if you’re not.”

Have you had to overcome anything as a woman in your industry?

“I did maths at university which was a very male dominate degree. I felt very inferior and underestimated on the course. But I showed no matter if you are a girl or boy, you’re capable of anything.”

“People make comments about me, my physique, and my form. Navigating that in class was hard, internally I was so embarrassed, but finding my strength and who I am allowed me to say to him ‘that’s not okay, this is my class and if you don’t respect me you can leave’.

What is your favourite moto or quote?

“Everything happens for a reason so believe in the process, believe in the journey and it will happen.”

“Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.”

“It’s okay to not be okay.”

“Be you, do you, for you. You are your own superhero.”

What do you think of Freetrain as a brand?

“I love that there’s more emphasis on women. There aren’t many brands that do that.”

“They make the clothes fit a women’s body and they do this with the vest as well with the adjustable straps. It’s perfect how you don’t have to buy women specific versions.”

"It’s great they offer a wide range of products.”

"I feel so confident in the clothes and can’t wait to see what else Freetrain bring to the fitness community.”

“Love the brand, I think the clothing fits great, they’re such a nice colour. It has such a refreshing vibe.”

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